On December 21, 2016, NMSA and the Water Environment Federation finalized and signed an MOU in order to “identify opportunities for collaboration in…areas (such as) publications, [...]
Seth Brown, is Principal of Storm and Stream, LLC and Scott Taylor, P.E., D.WRE, is the Vice Chair of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance, a 501c3 formed to champion MS4 […]
Photo: Retrofit bioretention cell in Emeryville, CA Scott Taylor, P.E., D.WRE is the Vice Chair of the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance, a 501c3 formed to champion MS4 issues and programs [...]
Dominique Lueckenhoff of the USEPA and Seth Brown, Principal of Storm and Stream, LLC, have written a short primer for Bloomberg BNA’s Water Law & Policy Monitor, “Financing Integrated Green [...]
NMSA comments on the draft EPA-USGS Technical Report: Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of Hydrologic Alteration, a report that provides information important to professionals working in the [...]